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Creating Comparison Tables

Given the following YAML source:

  connection: XLR
  power: via audio interface
  interface: requires audio interface

  connection: XLR and USB
  power: AAA battery (1x)
  interface: doesn't require use of audio interface (USB)

  connection: XLR
  power: AAA battery (1x)
  interface: requires the use of audio interface

We’ll create a custom builder to generate the following markdown table:

smb7 mv7-k sm58-lce
connection XLR XLR and USB XLR
power via audio interface AAA battery (1x) AAA battery (1x)
interface requires audio interface doesn’t require use of audio interface (USB) requires the use of audio interface

Bootstrapping the Application

We’ll start by creating a custom Minicli application to hold our custom Yamldocs builds.

composer create-project minicli/application mdtables

Then, we’ll install yamldocs as a dev dependency:

cd mdtables
composer require erikaheidi/yamldocs

Creating a Custom Builder

Next, we’ll create a custom builder to work on the YAML format we have defined. Create a new class file called TablesBuilder.php inside the app directory:

touch app/TablesBuilder.php

The following class will iterate through the loaded Yaml that is provided within the $document variable and build a markdown table based on its nodes:


namespace App;

class TablesBuilder implements BuilderInterface
    public function configure(array $options = []): void

     * @param Document $document
     * @return string
    public function getMarkdown(Document $document): string
        $headers[] = "";
        $rows = [];
        $items = [];

        //normalize data structure
        foreach ($document->yaml as $key => $specs) {
            $headers[] = $key;
            foreach ($specs as $name => $spec) {
                $items[$name][$key] = $spec;

        //prepare table rows
        foreach ($items as $spec => $nodes) {
            $specRow[] = "**$spec**";
            foreach ($nodes as $name => $spec) {
                $specRow[] = $spec;
            $rows[] = $specRow;
            $specRow = [];

        //return rendered table in markdown
        return Mark::table($rows, $headers);


Copy this code to your own class file and save it.

Next, you’ll need to include the custom builder within Yamldocs configuration. Create a new yamldocs.yaml file in the root of the app:

touch yamldocs.yaml

Open it in your code editor and include the following:

  tables: App\TablesBuilder

Testing the Custom Builder

Save and close the file. Now you can test it with the YAML presented at the beginning of this tutorial:

  connection: XLR
  power: via audio interface
  interface: requires audio interface

  connection: XLR and USB
  power: AAA battery (1x)
  interface: doesn't require use of audio interface (USB)

  connection: XLR
  power: AAA battery (1x)
  interface: requires the use of audio interface

Save this file as shure-mics.yaml in your app’s root. Then, run yamldocs with:

./vendor/bin/yamldocs build markdown file=shure-mics.yaml output=shure-mics.md builder=tables

The generated markdown file should look like this:

|                | smb7                     | mv7-k                                        | sm58-lce                            |
| **connection** | XLR                      | XLR and USB                                  | XLR                                 |
| **power**      | via audio interface      | AAA battery (1x)                             | AAA battery (1x)                    |
| **interface**  | requires audio interface | doesn't require use of audio interface (USB) | requires the use of audio interface |